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This season we have entered a team in the Sussex Slam midweek evening T20 competition. This will consist of Junior members (16+) and some Senior members.

Falcons Sussex Slam Fixtures
7 May Seaview Storm CC Home - WON!
20 May LA Goats Home - WON!
5 June Lancing Lightning Away - Lost
25 June Seaview Storm CC Home - WON!
4 July LA Goats Away - WON!
15 July Lancing Lightning Home - Lost
5 August Petworth Away - Lost
It is expected that the second week in the above are reserve nights in case original match cannot happen.
Additional matches possible subject to results of group matches above.
These are mid-week evening games starting at 5.30pm or 6.00pm (times to be confirmed)
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